DirectMusic 0.0.1
An incomplete re-implementation of DirectMusic, Microsoft's adaptive soundtrack API for games delivered as part of Direct3D and DirectX
No Matches

Data Structures

struct  DmGuid
 Contains a 128-bit GUID (aka UUID) value. More...


typedef enum DmResult DmResult
 Possible operation result values.
typedef struct DmGuid DmGuid
 Contains a 128-bit GUID (aka UUID) value.
typedef void * DmMemoryAlloc(void *ctx, size_t len)
 A malloc-like memory allocation function.
typedef void DmMemoryFree(void *ctx, void *ptr)
 A free-like memory de-allocation function.
typedef uint32_t DmRng(void *ctx)
 A rand_r-like random number generation function.
typedef enum DmLogLevel DmLogLevel
 The set of message levels supported by the logging facilities.
typedef void DmLogHandler(void *ctx, DmLogLevel lvl, char const *msg)


enum  DmResult {
 Possible operation result values. More...
enum  DmLogLevel {
  DmLogLevel_FATAL = 10 , DmLogLevel_ERROR = 20 , DmLogLevel_WARN = 30 , DmLogLevel_INFO = 40 ,
  DmLogLevel_DEBUG = 50 , DmLogLevel_TRACE = 60
 The set of message levels supported by the logging facilities. More...


size_t DmGuid_toString (DmGuid const *slf, char *out, size_t len)
 Convert the given GUID to a string.
DmResult Dm_setHeapAllocator (DmMemoryAlloc *alloc, DmMemoryFree *free, void *ctx)
 Set the memory allocator to use internally.
void Dm_setRandomNumberGenerator (DmRng *rng, void *ctx)
 Set the random number generator to use internally.
void Dm_setLogger (DmLogLevel lvl, DmLogHandler *log, void *ctx)
 Set a callback to send log messages to.
void Dm_setLoggerDefault (DmLogLevel lvl)
 Set a default logging function.
void Dm_setLoggerLevel (DmLogLevel lvl)
 Set the log level of the library.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ DmGuid

typedef struct DmGuid DmGuid

Contains a 128-bit GUID (aka UUID) value.

GUIDs are used in DirectMusic Segments, Styles, Bands and Downloadable Sound files as a way to uniquely identify distinct objects. For some of these objects, these GUIDs are exposed by their APIs. Many of these GUIDs could be manually set by the composer although generally, they are generated randomly by DirectMusic Producer upon object creation.

Do not alter GUIDs retrieved using the library APIs directly. Doing this can lead to cache misses which result in the underlying file being re-loaded the next time the object is used, causing higher memory usage and a spike in processing times. It can also result in broken playback (e.g. missing instruments).
See also for more in-depth information about GUIDs.

◆ DmLogHandler

typedef void DmLogHandler(void *ctx, DmLogLevel lvl, char const *msg)

Definition at line 190 of file dmusic.h.

◆ DmMemoryAlloc

typedef void * DmMemoryAlloc(void *ctx, size_t len)

A malloc-like memory allocation function.

Allocates len bytes of contiguous memory and returns a pointer to the first byte allocated. May return NULL if memory allocation fails for any reason. In this case, function which relies on the allocation will fail with DmResult_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED to indicate memory allocation failure.

Functions implementing this interface are required to be thread-safe.
ctx[in]An arbitrary pointer provided when calling Dm_setHeapAllocator.
len[in]The number of bytes to allocate.
A pointer to the first byte of the allocated memory block or NULL.
Return values
NULLMemory allocation failed.
See also
Dm_setHeapAllocator Set the memory allocator for the library.

Definition at line 105 of file dmusic.h.

◆ DmMemoryFree

typedef void DmMemoryFree(void *ctx, void *ptr)

A free-like memory de-allocation function.

De-allocates bytes starting a the memory location pointed to by ptr, which were previously allocated by calling a corresponding DmMemoryAlloc function. This function must not fail. If ptr is NULL, this function must be a no-op.

Functions implementing this interface are required to be thread-safe.
ctx[in]An arbitrary pointer provided when calling Dm_setHeapAllocator.
ptr[in]A pointer to free, previously returned by the corresponding DmMemoryAlloc function or NULL.
See also
Dm_setHeapAllocator Set the memory allocator for the library.

Definition at line 119 of file dmusic.h.

◆ DmRng

typedef uint32_t DmRng(void *ctx)

A rand_r-like random number generation function.

Generates a random number between 0 and UINT32_MAX. Functions implementing this interface must be thread-safe. The function is not required to produce different numbers upon invocation and it does not need to be cryptographically secure. Calling a function implementing this interface should be inexpensive.

ctx[in]An arbitrary pointer provided when calling Dm_setRandomNumberGenerator.
A random number between 0 and UINT32_MAX.
See also

Definition at line 151 of file dmusic.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DmLogLevel

enum DmLogLevel

The set of message levels supported by the logging facilities.


The log message indicates a fatal error.


The log message indicates an error.


The log message indicates a warning.


The log message is informational.


The log message is a debug message.


The log message is a tracing message.

Definition at line 170 of file dmusic.h.

◆ DmResult

enum DmResult

Possible operation result values.


The operation completed successfully.


An invalid argument was provided.


The operation could not be completed because the system is in an invalid state.


A memory allocation failed.


A resource was not found.


A resource file could not be parsed.


A mutex could not be locked.

Definition at line 40 of file dmusic.h.

Function Documentation

◆ Dm_setHeapAllocator()

DmResult Dm_setHeapAllocator ( DmMemoryAlloc alloc,
DmMemoryFree free,
void *  ctx 

Set the memory allocator to use internally.

This function should be called before calling any other library functions since, calling it after any allocation has been made internally will result in an error. It is guaranteed, however, that logging-related functions will never allocate.

This function is not thread safe.
alloc[in]A malloc-like function, which allocates memory. May not be NULL.
free[in]A free-like function, which free memory previously allocated using alloc. May not be NULL.
ctx[in]An arbitrary pointer passed to alloc and free on every invocation.
DmResult_SUCCESS if the operation completed and an error code if it did not.
Return values
DmResult_INVALID_ARGUMENTEither alloc or free was NULL.
DmResult_INVALID_STATEThe function was called after an allocation was already made.
See also
DmMemoryAlloc Allocation function definition.
DmMemoryFree De-allocation function definition.

◆ Dm_setLogger()

void Dm_setLogger ( DmLogLevel  lvl,
DmLogHandler *  log,
void *  ctx 

Set a callback to send log messages to.

Registers the given log function to be called whenever a log message is issued by the library. The given ctx pointer is passed alongside the log message on every invocation. If log is set to NULL, any existing log callback function is removed and logging is disabled.

lvlThe log level to set for the library.
log[in]The callback function to invoke whenever log message is generated or NULL
ctx[in]An arbitrary pointer passed to log on every invocation.
See also
DmLogHandler Log callback function definition.
Dm_setLoggerLevel Function to set the log level on its own.

◆ Dm_setLoggerDefault()

void Dm_setLoggerDefault ( DmLogLevel  lvl)

Set a default logging function.

Registers a default log handler which outputs all log messages at or above the given level to the standard error stream (stderr).

lvlThe log level to set for the library.
See also
Dm_setLoggerLevel Function to set the log level on its own.

◆ Dm_setLoggerLevel()

void Dm_setLoggerLevel ( DmLogLevel  lvl)

Set the log level of the library.

lvlThe log level to set.

◆ Dm_setRandomNumberGenerator()

void Dm_setRandomNumberGenerator ( DmRng rng,
void *  ctx 

Set the random number generator to use internally.

The given random number generator is sampled every time the library requires a random number. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Selecting the next pattern to be played,
  • selecting the next note/curve variation and
  • applying random note offsets
rng[in]A pointer to a function to use as a random number generator or NULL to reset to the default random number generator.
ctx[in]An arbitrary pointer passed to rng on every invocation.
See also
DmRng Requirements for the random number generator

◆ DmGuid_toString()

size_t DmGuid_toString ( DmGuid const *  slf,
char *  out,
size_t  len 

Convert the given GUID to a string.

The output string is generated in 8-4-4-4-12 format and thus needs 36 chars (excl. nul-terminator) to be fully converted. The number of chars actually converted can be obtained from the return value.

slf[in]The GUID to convert to a string.
out[out]The output buffer to write the chars to.
lenThe maximum number of bytes available in the out buffer.
The number of chars actually written to the out buffer.