DirectMusic 0.0.1
An incomplete re-implementation of DirectMusic, Microsoft's adaptive soundtrack API for games delivered as part of Direct3D and DirectX
No Matches

TODO. More...


typedef struct DmPerformance DmPerformance
 Represents a DirectMusic Performance.
typedef enum DmRenderOptions DmRenderOptions
typedef enum DmTiming DmTiming
typedef enum DmEmbellishmentType DmEmbellishmentType
 Embellishment types for choosing transition patterns.


enum  DmRenderOptions { DmRender_SHORT = 1 << 0 , DmRender_FLOAT = 1 << 1 , DmRender_STEREO = 1 << 2 }
enum  DmTiming { DmTiming_INSTANT = 1 , DmTiming_GRID = 2 , DmTiming_BEAT = 3 , DmTiming_MEASURE = 4 }
enum  DmEmbellishmentType {
  DmEmbellishment_NONE = 0 , DmEmbellishment_GROOVE = 1 , DmEmbellishment_FILL = 2 , DmEmbellishment_INTRO = 3 ,
  DmEmbellishment_BREAK = 4 , DmEmbellishment_END = 5 , DmEmbellishment_END_AND_INTRO = 6
 Embellishment types for choosing transition patterns. More...


DmResult DmPerformance_create (DmPerformance **slf, uint32_t rate)
 Create a new DirectMusic Performance object.
DmPerformanceDmPerformance_retain (DmPerformance *slf)
 Add one to the reference count of a performance.
void DmPerformance_release (DmPerformance *slf)
 Subtract one from the reference count of a performance.
DmResult DmPerformance_playSegment (DmPerformance *slf, DmSegment *sgt, DmTiming timing)
 Schedule a new segment to be played by the given performance.
DmResult DmPerformance_playTransition (DmPerformance *slf, DmSegment *sgt, DmEmbellishmentType embellishment, DmTiming timing)
 Schedule a new segment to play by the given performance with a transition.
DmResult DmPerformance_renderPcm (DmPerformance *slf, void *buf, size_t num, DmRenderOptions opts)
 Render a given number of PCM samples from a performance.
void DmPerformance_setVolume (DmPerformance *slf, float vol)
 Set the playback volume of a performance.

Detailed Description


Typedef Documentation

◆ DmPerformance

typedef struct DmPerformance DmPerformance

Represents a DirectMusic Performance.

Definition at line 300 of file dmusic.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DmEmbellishmentType

Embellishment types for choosing transition patterns.


Don't choose a pattern.


Only choose patterns with the default 'groove' embellishment.


Only choose patterns with the 'fill' embellishment.


Only choose patterns with the 'intro' embellishment.


Only choose patterns with the 'break' embellishment.


Only choose patterns with the 'end' embellishment.


Choose two patterns, one with the 'end' embellishment from the playing segment and one with the 'intro' embellishment from the new segment and play them back-to-back.

This is not yet implemented.

Definition at line 488 of file dmusic.h.

◆ DmRenderOptions


Render format flag to request rendering of int16_t samples.


Render format flag to request rendering of float samples.


Render flags to request stereo PCM rendering.

Definition at line 462 of file dmusic.h.

◆ DmTiming

enum DmTiming

Timing flag indicating start at the next possible tick.


Timing flag indicating start at the next possible grid boundary.


Timing flag indicating start at the next possible beat boundary.


Timing flag indicating start at the next possible measure boundary.

Definition at line 473 of file dmusic.h.

Function Documentation

◆ DmPerformance_create()

DmResult DmPerformance_create ( DmPerformance **  slf,
uint32_t  rate 

Create a new DirectMusic Performance object.

slf[out]A pointer to a variable in which to store the newly created performance.
rateThe sample rate for the synthesizer. Provide 0 to use the default (44100 Hz).
DmResult_SUCCESS if the operation completed and an error code if it did not.
Return values
DmResult_MEMORY_EXHAUSTEDA dynamic memory allocation failed.

◆ DmPerformance_playSegment()

DmResult DmPerformance_playSegment ( DmPerformance slf,
DmSegment sgt,
DmTiming  timing 

Schedule a new segment to be played by the given performance.

The segment is played at the next timing boundary provided with timing. This function simply stops the currently playing segment and starts playing the next one. To play a transition between the two segments, use DmPerformance_playTransition.

The segment will always start playing strictly after the last call to DmPerformance_renderPcm since that function advances the internal clock. This means, if you have already rendered ten seconds worth of PCM using DmPerformance_renderPcm, the transition can only audibly be heard after these ten seconds of PCM have been played.
slf[in]The performance to play the segment in.
sgt[in]The segment to play or NULL to simply stop the playing segment.
timingThe timing bounding to start playing the segment at.
DmResult_SUCCESS if the operation completed and an error code if it did not.
Return values
DmResult_MEMORY_EXHAUSTEDA dynamic memory allocation failed.
DmResult_MUTEX_ERRORAn error occurred while trying to lock an internal mutex.
See also

◆ DmPerformance_playTransition()

DmResult DmPerformance_playTransition ( DmPerformance slf,
DmSegment sgt,
DmEmbellishmentType  embellishment,
DmTiming  timing 

Schedule a new segment to play by the given performance with a transition.

Schedules a new transitional segment to be played, which first plays a transitional pattern from the currently playing segment's style and then starts playing the given segment. This can be used to smoothly transition from one segment to another.

The transitional pattern is selected by its embellishment type provided when calling the function. Only embellishments matching the current groove level are considered.

The DmEmbellishment_END_AND_INTRO embellishment is currently not implemented.
slf[in]The performance to play the transition in.
sgt[in]The segment to transition to or NULL to transition to silence.
embellishmentThe embellishment type to use for the transition.
timingThe timing bounding to start playing the transition at.
DmResult_SUCCESS if the operation completed and an error code if it did not.
Return values
DmResult_INVALID_ARGUMENTslf or sgt was NULL.
DmResult_MEMORY_EXHAUSTEDA dynamic memory allocation failed.
DmResult_MUTEX_ERRORAn error occurred while trying to lock an internal mutex.
See also

◆ DmPerformance_release()

void DmPerformance_release ( DmPerformance slf)

Subtract one from the reference count of a performance.

If a call to this function reduces the reference count to zero, it also de-allocates the performance and releases any resources referenced by it.

slf[in]The performance to release.

◆ DmPerformance_renderPcm()

DmResult DmPerformance_renderPcm ( DmPerformance slf,
void *  buf,
size_t  num,
DmRenderOptions  opts 

Render a given number of PCM samples from a performance.

Since the performance is played "on demand", calling this function will advance the internal clock and perform all musical operation for the rendered timeframe. If no segment is currently playing, the output will be set to zero samples.

Using the opts parameter, you can control what data is output. The DmRender_SHORT and DmRender_FLOAT bits indicate the format of the PCM data to output (either as int16_t or 32-bit float). All data is output as host-endian. Setting the DmRender_STEREO bit renders interleaved stereo samples.

When rendering stereo audio, you must provide an output array with an even number of elements!
slf[in]The performance to render from.
buf[out]A buffer to render PCM into.
numThe number of elements available in buf. This will be equal to the number of samples when rendering mono PCM or 2 time the number of samples when rendering stereo.
optsA bitfield with options for the renderer.
DmResult_SUCCESS if the operation completed and an error code if it did not.
Return values
DmResult_INVALID_ARGUMENTslf or buf was NULL, opts included multiple format specifiers or opts included DmRender_STEREO and num was not even.
DmResult_MEMORY_EXHAUSTEDA dynamic memory allocation failed.
DmResult_MUTEX_ERRORAn error occurred while trying to lock an internal mutex.

◆ DmPerformance_retain()

DmPerformance * DmPerformance_retain ( DmPerformance slf)

Add one to the reference count of a performance.

slf[in]The performance to retain.
The same performance as was given in slf or NULL if slf was NULL.

◆ DmPerformance_setVolume()

void DmPerformance_setVolume ( DmPerformance slf,
float  vol 

Set the playback volume of a performance.

This only affects the output created when calling DmPerformance_renderPcm.
slf[in]The performance to set the volume of.
volThe new volume to set (between 0 and 1).